Do you ever take road trips?  Do you notice how you are forever looking at the road signs that say "987 miles to Anywhere, USA"?  Or, "next rest area 254 miles"?  

The "Road Trip" is the journey of life, with all its valleys and hills, bumpy and smooth roads, and exciting and occasionally not so exciting attractions along the way.  The "Road Signs" are the Jewish holidays.  Some of the holidays let us know that we need to slow down and look inside ourselves.  Perhaps we went the wrong way and need to make a U-Turn.  At times we need to just speed up, and just maybe our destination is at hand and its time to rejoice. 

With the unique spirituality of Chabad philosophy, the holiday experience with Chabad is unique and enjoyable.  Always informative, always spiritual and always an energizing experience. 

Please click on the links below to identify where we are on this years road trip.  Perhaps you'll join us at one of our rest areas for a short visit or perhaps you might stay awhile. 

Wishing you a safe and meaningful journey.